Monday, February 10, 2025

Universal Basic Income / Income Supplementation

Any form of Universal Basic Income (UBI) is free money.  Under the current circumstances and unless you have price controls (thus ends any form of free-market capitalism), implementation of UBI will inflate prices until we're back to where we are now with no one being able to afford anything.  Increase the UBI amounts, and the prices will automatically follow.  Even the experts don't seem to have a solution to this -- they're stuck on the idea that 'work' is the only thing that carries any value, and when there is no work there is no income.  There is, however, a beautiful solution.

Data Harvesting

(no, not internet scraping)

Do the work you want to (if any), and get paid for the data you harvest ...

... and this is only one side of the coin.  The other side is the recipient of that data, the entities that pay you, and the entities that you buy things from.

My apologies for being a little cryptic, but since no one will ever see this, my intent is to simply have a record of my top-level thoughts without spending too much time and effort going into detail.

I do have a lot of this worked out.  More soon (maybe) ....

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