Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Steady Stars

Here are stars in the Sector 1 field of view.  Note that both axes in this plot are on a logarithmic scale.  The x-axis is the brightness (larger numbers, brighter star).  The y-axis is the 1-sigma standard deviation as a percentage of brightness (smaller number, more precise or more steady).

Here are the stars that fall into those categories (marked in red) have a brightness of more than 1000 and a percent deviation of less than 1%:

Here's a plot (on a linear scale) showing a sample of these stars -- the brightest ones (8 stars in this sample of about 2400 have values greater than 10000):

Very interesting that even these aren't so steady.

Not sure what's going on with the data from data points 1000-1100.  Also not sure why there's a discontinuity in all the data about mid-way through.  There may be other systematic things that I need to understand and make sure I take into account.

I need to look at some fainter stars that are also steady to see how those light curves look.

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