Thursday, January 22, 2015

Rare Jupiter Transit Events

Fairly rare triple shadows and triple moons are transiting the face of Jupiter on 24 January 2015.  Here are the timings and I'd appreciate it if someone would do the work to confirm these:

06:29 - 06:53 UTC    Io, Europa, and Callisto shadows all transiting (a 24 minute event)

07:09 - 07:13 UTC    Io, Europa, and Callisto moons all transiting (a 4 minute event)

This is a western hemisphere event.  If you're anywhere in North or South America, you will be able to observe these events.  Visibility maps for the two triple transits are shown below.

Here are some other events:

04:56 - 07:13 UTC    Io transit
07:09 - 10:03 UTC    Europa transit
06:20 - 11:03 UTC    Callisto transit

04:36 - 06:53 UTC    Io shadow transit
06:29 - 09:23 UTC    Europa shadow transit
03:12 - 08:01 UTC    Callisto shadow transit

06:29 - 06:53 UTC    Io & Europa shadows transit
04:36 - 06:53 UTC    Io & Callisto shadows transit
06:29 - 08:01 UTC    Europa & Callisto shadows transit

07:09 - 07:13 UTC    Io & Europa transit
06:20 - 07:13 UTC    Io & Callisto transit
07:09 - 10:03 UTC    Europa and Callisto transit

Watch Jupiter Today every day for information on events happening at Jupiter.

Visibility of Triple Shadow Transit Event 06:29 - 06:53 UTC

Visibility of Triple Transit Event 07:09 - 07:13 UTC

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